Dark Temptations (11)Full unit name: Dark Temptations
Last updated: 11.06.2024 0:23:44
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Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Relations: Tython
Events: Flesh Raider Uprising
Flesh Raider Uprising
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
Known Facts (12)
This event took place on the planet Tython
during the Flesh Raider uprising
Flesh Raider Uprising
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
shortly before the end of the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
After a successful raid
Assault on the Flesh Raider Command Base
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
on the Flesh Raider
Flesh Raider Forces
Planetary and Sector
command base by a Jedi
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
strike force, the Jedi Order learned of a great number of Flesh Raider camps across the planet. The Order mobilized all available Jedi to eliminate the natives' war camps in a series of simultaneous strikes, and Master
Jedi Master
Din sent his apprentice
Hero of Tython
Major Characters
to eliminate a camp in the cave system known as the Forsaken Den near the ruins of Upper Kaleth. Master Din added that the patrol that the apprentice fought earlier was based in this camp, and he also warned his apprentice not to engage Bengel Morr
Bengel Morr
Supporting Characters
if he was encountered during the mission.

The Apprentice entered the Forsaken Den and encountered mortally wounded Selkath
Sentient Species
Jedi Knight
Jedi Knight
named Laotah
Minor Characters (TOR)
. Speaking in his native tongue, Laotah told the apprentice his story.

Hours before he had noticed Flesh Raider activity on security cameras left by the apprentice on an earlier mission
Enemy Force
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
near Kaleth, and decided to investigate. Traveling to the ruins, he entered the cave, where the natives had last been seen. However, Laotah did not know that the Flesh Raiders had established a stronghold within the cave, or that they were Force-sensitive. Using the dark side of the Force, the natives attacked and brutally beat him. Fatally injured, Laotah crawled back to the cave entrance. With his final breath, the Selkath warned the young Jedi that one of the Flesh Raiders had taken his lightsaber.

Despite Laotah's warning, the Padawan promised to recover Laotah's lightsaber and continued into the cave. It became clear that raiders were using the base to ambush the unfortunate Jedi who visited the ruins during their trials and it was vital to clear the cave of the presence of the Flesh Raiders. Fighting through a dozens of Force-wielding Flesh Raider savage adepts, the Padawan defeated all the natives and confronted the Flesh Raider who wielded Laotah's lightsaber
L3 Jedi Lightsaber
. The Flesh Raider's use of a lightsaber was not enough to defeat the young Jedi, and the native fell in combat.

Leaving the cave, the Padawan contacted Master Din and reported the destruction of the camp and Laotah's death. However, Din did not have time to discuss anything further - he had just received a distress call from Kalikori, saying that they had just seen Bengel Morr. Since the rest of the Jedi were dealing with the other Flesh Raider camps, Din and his apprentice were the only ones who were close enough to address the problem of Morr. He ordered the Padawan to travel to the village as quickly as possible, while the Jedi Master raced to the village to confront his former Padawan.

The Padawan arrived to the village and spoke with Tao'Ven
Ranna Tao'Ven
Minor Characters (TOR)
in the Matriarch's building. When asked about Din and the distress call, Tao'Ven lied, saying that she didn't know anything about a signal, and T7-O1
(T7-series Astromech Droid)
was unable to detect Din in the village. However, the Padawan was suddenly knocked out from behind, and T7-O1 was sent reeling with an ion blast.

When the Padawan awoke, Tao'Ven was arguing with several villagers - Saylew
Minor Characters (TOR)
, Eseni
Minor Characters (TOR)
, and Moorint
Minor Characters (TOR)
. Moorint revealed that they had used the signal as bait for Din, as part of the deal
Capture of Master Din
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
that Morr had offered them. But Morr had abjured their bargain, claiming that Din was not enough - he would only protect the village if they killed the apprentice. Upon learning of their plan, Tao'Ven had protested and was trying to stop them, giving the Padawan time to use the Force and persuade the villagers to leave in peace. Tao'Ven begged the apprentice for forgiveness, horrified at what the villagers had almost done, and told the Jedi that Morr had taken Din to the Forge. Urging the apprentice to reactivate T7-O1, who would be able to download directions to the Forge, she was relieved to learn that the Padawan had forgiven her.
See also
Related organizations
Jedi OrderStructureCharactersJedi Master Orgus DinJedi Knight LaotahJedi Padawan Hero of TythonSentient speciesSelkathJedi Knight LaotahRanksJedi MasterOrgus DinJedi KnightLaotahJedi PadawanHero of TythonWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL3 Jedi LightsaberLaotah
Flesh Raider ForcesWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL3 ElectrobladeL3 Jedi Lightsaber
Twi'lek PilgrimsStructureCharactersMatriarch Ranna Tao'VenMoorintSaylewEseniSentient speciesTwi'lekMatriarch Ranna Tao'VenMoorintSaylewEseniRanksMatriarchRanna Tao'VenWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL2 BlasterRanna Tao'VenMoorintEseniL2 ScattergunSaylewL3 ElectrobladeMoorintSaylew
Related units, characters and other technologies
Hero of TythonMembershipJedi OrderJedi Padawan Hero of TythonRelationsOrgus Din (Master)
Orgus DinMembershipJedi OrderJedi Master Orgus DinRelationsHero of Tython (Apprentice)
EseniMembershipTwi'lek PilgrimsWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL2 Blaster
LaotahMembershipJedi OrderJedi Knight LaotahWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL3 Jedi Lightsaber
MoorintMembershipTwi'lek PilgrimsWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL2 BlasterL3 Electroblade
SaylewMembershipTwi'lek PilgrimsWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL2 ScattergunL3 Electroblade
Ranna Tao'VenMembershipTwi'lek PilgrimsMatriarch Ranna Tao'VenWeapons and EquipmentWeaponsL2 Blaster
Flesh Raider
SelkathWere among members ofJedi OrderJedi Knight Laotah
Twi'lekWere among members ofTwi'lek PilgrimsMatriarch Ranna Tao'VenMoorintSaylewEseni
Jedi PadawanMembershipJedi OrderHero of Tython
Jedi KnightMembershipJedi OrderLaotah
Jedi MasterMembershipJedi OrderOrgus Din
MatriarchMembershipTwi'lek PilgrimsRanna Tao'Ven
Complete list

Full unit name: Dark Temptations Last updated: 11.06.2024 0:23:44